Brett Kimberlin’s Terrible, Horrible, No Good Very Bad Day

During the two years in which lying conman and convicted domestic terrorist Brett Kimberlin has been harassing friends of Andrew Breitbart, it’s surprising that what is about to happen to him hasn’t happened before. Kimberlin is about to discover that good people will fight his evil. Kimberlin won’t see it that way. Like all of his ilk, he truly believes he is the victim. Also, what Kimberlin planned for evil, God has turned to good.

It all seems to have started with a Mandy Nagy post about Brett Kimberlin’s phony charity, Velvet Revolution. The group sought to cause trouble for James O’Keefe III, using what would come to be their hallmark methods of legal intimidation, extortion, and personal destruction against any and all who oppose his tactics or support those who do.

Kimberlin, who is a lying conman and convicted domestic terrorist, has also spent the last several months harassing Los Angeles County Prosecutor Patrick Frey, who blogs as Patterico. Kimberlin and his associates Neal Rauhauser, Ron Brynaert have waged war on Patterico, even staging a phony 9-1-1 call to draw a swat team to Frey’s house.

Some of Patterico’s commenters went  Looking at the Velvet Revolution and Justice Through Music Books for two of  Brett Kimberlin’s shady organizations:

Velvet Revolution’s tax returns from 2006, 2007, and 2008. We also have tax returns from Justice Through Music from 2003, 2005 (with Schedule A), 2006, 2007, and 2008. All are .pdfs.

Erick Erickson notes at Redstate that

Justice Through Music, which claims to do “voter education and registration” is a Tides Foundation grant recipient. According to Breitbart’s Big Journalism site, Justice Through Music “has received a total of over $1.3 million in public gifts and grants since 2005 for these efforts.” (See also the Justice Through Music Project 2008 Form 990-EZ)

Likewise, Velvet Revolution, started with Brad Friedman of BradBlog, received $51,000.00 in 2009 from the Tides Foundation, which also gave Media Matters for America $75,000.00 the same year.

Robert Stacy McCain, forced to move his family to flee the vicious harassment and threats posed by Brett Kimberlin and associates, says he is thankful. He now has a great chance to leave the socialist state of Maryland, presumably for a place without so much inept and overreaching government.

Follow their response to the day on twitter, if any, here.

Cross-posted at Redstate.

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